Thursday, July 10, 2008

Downtown Development Authority (DDA)


The "Village" area in Ada Township is perceived by most people as the "heart" of the community. Here you will find the Township Hall, Ada Post Office and a variety of homes and businesses, ranging from small family-owned gift shops and restaurants to the international headquarters of Quixtar/Amway.

Unlike communities such as East Grand Rapids, Rockford or Saugatuck, that have thriving "downtown" areas, Ada's "village" has struggled to become the truly vibrant and compelling destination many people would like to see it become. The 2007 Ada Village Design Charrette Final Report includes a series of recommendations for revitalizing and improving the "village" area, based on the input of hundreds of Ada citizens and stakeholders.

The proposed Downtown Development Authority (DDA) would fund village infrastructure projects, such as street improvements, paths, green spaces, etc. Funds for the DDA typically come from Tax Increment Financing (TIF). which is a program designed to capture the tax revenue collected on future increases in the taxable value of properties within the DDA boundaries. Up to 2 mils of additional revenue can also be collected from properties within the DDA boundaries. An excellent source of information on both DDAs and TIF is the Survey Of Economic Development Programs In Michigan, produced by the Citizen's Reseaerch Council Of Michigan.

Ada's General Law Township structure, is prohibited by State Law from raising or spending money on many of the projects and improvements that would help realize the goals of the Charrette. A DDA would not be limited by these restrictions. In addition to tax-generated funding, the DDA would be expected to work closely with both public and private donors and sponsors, to generate the necessary funds to accomplish its goals.

Why This Qualifies as A "Hot Issue"

Residents continue to express frustration with the fact that since the Ada Village Design Charrette was completed, there has been a lack of progress in moving forward with the recommendations. The longer we wait to implement a DDA, the less value it will have.

My Position

I have worked hard to promote the "Village" area as "A Great Place To Live, Work and Play." I invested my own money to become a Certified Charrette Planner and championed the original idea for the Ada Village Design Charrette. As an original member of the Charrette Task force, I am fully vested in the process and believe we MUST do everything we can to realize the vision our citizens and stakeholders provided us.

The formation of a DDA could provide the financial and organizational horespower needed to accomplish many if not all of the goals identified by the Charrette, without the need for additional taxes. I believe DDA boundaries should be set as broadly as possible, to maximize the revenue potential of the DDA and thus the potential value of the DDA to the community.

I am continuing to work with my fellow Charrette Task Force members, as well as fellow member's of the Township Board and the Planning Commission, to come up with a DDA proposal that is in the best interest of all of our citizens and stakeholders in the Township. There are two important DDA-related events that everyone who is interested should participate in. They are:

  • July 15th - Public Information Meeting
  • July 28 - Public Hearing
Note: See the Community Calendar on for these and other important community events going on in Ada Township.

I will continue to update this "Hot Issue" over the next couple of weeks with any new information.